Our Vision - Seeing God Transform Lives
we believe God is in the business of seeing lives transformed as we come to know the love of Jesus, trust in his forgiveness and live for him.
At St Kea it is okay not to be okay. God meets us where we are and invites us to know more of Him. We are committed to helping everyone join in this great adventure as He transforms us together to be the people we were made to be.
As a church we seek to be very honest and real, Engaged with the world all around us. We are committed to Evangelism, sharing the good news of Jesus with those who do not know him. We want to see all Christians Established in their faith, growing deeper as they seek to live for Jesus. Finally, we want to help everyone be fully Equipped for the unique life God calls them to live.
We long that everyone who lives and works in Truro and the surrounding localities would have the opportunity to receive the gospel from someone who loves them.
Our Beliefs and Values
Belief 1 - A God Centred Church. Everything we do is to God’s glory alone.
Value 1 - We want to praise and glorify God in everything we do.
Belief 2 - A Jesus Focused Church. Jesus is Lord over his Church, the one who will build his church, and everything we do is through faith in Him alone by his grace alone.
Value 2 - We seek to reflect Jesus' character in our life together - loving, gracious, compassionate, forgiving, truthful, kind, patient, good, gentle, self controlled.
Belief 3 - A Gospel Living Church. Our life is empowered by the Holy Spirit who transforms us to live as disciples of Christ, each member playing their part as God has determined.
Value 3 - Every member seeks to live for Christ in the power of the spirit, selflessly using the gifts God has given them to serve others, being committed, diligent and hard working.
Belief 4 - A Word Centred Church. Everything we do is governed by God’s word of the scriptures alone.
Value 4 - We seek to live according to God’s word in all things, allowing his word to shape our life together.
Belief 5 - A Gospel Speaking Church. We are called to witness to God’s grace and call people to faith in Jesus.
Value 5 - We seek to be outward looking, serving others and sharing the good news of Jesus.
Belief 6 - A Gospel Partnering Church. We are part of the universal church spread across the world.
Value 6 - We seek to work in partnership with other gospel believing churches, both locally, nationally and internationally.
Our Vision was agreed by the St Kea Trustees (PCC) in April 2017.
Our Beliefs and Values were agreed by the St Kea Trustees (PCC) in July 2017.