Everything we do is funded by you

Generous and sustained regular giving by the church family helps us to meet the costs of our many outreach and discipleship activities, including funding our clergy, staff team, meeting spaces, online ministry, youth and children's ministry, work with Christians Against Poverty, other outreach activities in the community, encouraging renewal in other local Church of England churches, and our gospel partnership initiatives locally and internationally. 

We would love you to become a partner in this work by contributing financially if you can afford to. 

If you could commit to regular giving, it would really help us budget for the day-to-day running of our church and for our growth plans as we seek to live out our vision to see God transform lives in Truro and beyond. 

If you’d like to see more about how your money is used, please click on the buttons below to see an infographic for particular ministries:

Why give?

God has shown His great love for us in giving us so much, supremely in his Son. Having received such undeserved generosity, it is our joyful response to give our lives to serving Him. Giving is not limited to our finances, God wants us to be generous with our time, energy, skills, property and homes. If we have received God's abundant grace then we all have something to give generously.

The Bible says we should give...

Abundantly God's word tells us of the abundant nature of God's gifts to us so that we might give abundantly in response. While the Old Testament commanded a tithe (10% of income), the New Testament is far more radical: it calls us to give in a sacrificial way. Some will give far more than 10% of their income, others less. 

Thoughtfully and prayerfully Each of us should give what we have decided in our heart to give. We need to think carefully about the resources we have been given, not just give what we have spare, but give in a planned and regular way. 

Joyfully It's easy to give for the wrong reasons - to relieve our guilt, to avoid other avenues of Christian service, or to be seen to be generous by others. Instead, God loves a joyful and big-hearted response to all that He has lavished on us.  

The best way to give to St Kea

Please use the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).  

Most people at St Kea use this simple and secure scheme for their giving. It’s really easy to sign up. You get to choose whether to give monthly, quarterly or annually and you can even inflation-proof your donation, which helps us to plan with confidence as our own running costs increase with inflation. You can give anonymously if you prefer. 

By giving via the PGS, you improve our cashflow and save our volunteers a lot of time and effort. This is because individual donations made via the PGS are consolidated into a single, predictable monthly payment each month and this is followed by a second, equally predictable monthly payment of Gift Aid on your giving that the PGS claims back for us from HMRC. 

The PGS is also the safest form of giving to St Kea because it is covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee. It is much easier for our volunteers to administer than giving by standing order. 

The PGS is open to all regular donors. If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid is automatically claimed back for us, adding 25p to each pound that you generously give. But you don’t have to be a UK taxpayer to give via the PGS. It is open to all regular givers. 

Ten minutes of your time

It shouldn't take more than ten minutes to sign up with the PGS online. 

If you find online banking daunting - you can just as easily set up your regular giving by phoning the PGS. Its team is really helpful and will guide you through the process. 

If phoning’s not for you, simply click on the ‘Request a giving pack’ link and we’ll send you a a giving pack and form to complete and return to us.

Remember, whichever way you choose to give, you’ll need your bank account number and sort code to hand. 

Easy ways to start giving 

Online - click on this Parish Giving Scheme link to take you to St Kea’s page at then click ‘Give now’ and simply follow the instructions on screen.

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QR code – use your smartphone to scan this code, which is unique to St Kea, and simply follow the instructions on screen.

Phone – call the Parish Giving Scheme on 0333 002 1271 (9am-5pm on weekdays) and its team will guide you. You'll need to give our parish name (St Kea) and our nine-digit parish code 390 639 119. 

By post – click on this link to request a giving pack, insert your address and bank details, sign it, and post it to the address on the form.

Need help?

Just email our Parish Giving Officer in confidence using the link, or search for ‘Parish Giving Officer’ on ChurchSuite.

One-off gifts

If you would like to make a one-off gift to the church, please email our Parish Giving Officer in confidence using the link, or search for ‘Parish Giving Officer’ on ChurchSuite. If you are a UK taxpayer, please also use the Gift Aid link and return the completed and signed form to Parish Giving Officer, Church Office, Kea, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6AE.

Want to give your time and skills?

We would love to hear from you to discuss how you can help. Why not click on this link to get the conversation started?

Leaving a legacy?

At St Kea, we welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small. We have a vision to see God transform lives here in Truro and beyond and the PCCs legacy policy is to use gifts to fund growth initiatives, whether by investing in people, equipment, mission or buildings.  

We consider all legacies to be a natural part of Christian stewardship. They are a way of giving thanks to God for the gifts of our lifetime. Just as planned giving helps us to meet the costs of our many outreach and discipleship activities, including funding our clergy, staff team, meeting spaces, online ministry, youth and children’s ministry, work with Christians Against Poverty, other outreach activities in the community, encouraging renewal in other local Church of England churches under the Bishop’s Mission Order for Truro, and gospel partnership initiatives locally and internationally, so legacies can transform our ability to seize growth opportunities with confidence. 

Just as needs and priorities change so, as St Kea PCC trustees, we would ask that you give us the flexibility to respond appropriately and quickly to change. To help us achieve this, we prefer legacies to be unrestricted so that they can be used for the whole mission of our church, and not restricted in a way that might limit trustees’ ability to respond to changing circumstances.         

If you are thinking of leaving a gift to St Kea in your will - or you are about to update your will - and would like to discuss your intentions in confidence, please contact our Parish Giving Officer using the link, or you can search for ‘Parish Giving Officer’ on ChurchSuite. Please also get in touch if you would like to make a gift to St Kea in memory of a loved one.  

You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to the lives of others through our work at St Kea. 

Just one more thing 

To comply with UK anti-money laundering legislation, amounts paid to St Kea in error can be refunded only to the bank account from which they were originally paid.