We are here to help...

If you have come to this page because you are newly engaged and/or thinking about a wedding at St Kea - congratulations on your engagement! Preparation for your wedding can be both exciting and daunting. With years of experience, the team at St Kea will be able to guide you, from the legal requirements and order of the service to your choice of music and flowers.

Each year many couples choose St Kea for their marriage ceremony, whether or not they attend church regularly. We would love to be a part of your special day if you live in the parish (or you live outside the parish but have a connection with St Kea).

We ask all couples to come together for our short marriage preparation course which we run every February. These fun and thought-provoking sessions will help you to focus on your relationship and build the foundation for a life-long marriage. 


Contact Us

For more information do contact the office using the form opposite and she will get in touch and be able to guide you through the whole process.